Wednesday, September 08, 2010

My first encounter with a duckling.

Since watching Walt Disney's Donal Duck several years ago, I fell in love the gregarious Donal Duck and its offspring. At least once in my life, I wanted to pick up a cute duckling and cuddle it.

Well, yesterday, I had the opportunity to do exactly that. I visited a school in the suburb of Madras. It is located amidst lush green fields and a lake. The school authorities had dug up a pond inside the school premises to raise several ducks and a few swans.

When I saw a big bunch of ducklings noisily following their mother, I screamed in delight. The school principal did not expect such a childish delight from a grown up professor of mathematics.

I unashamedly expressed my wish to cuddle a duckling . Seeing the gleam in my eyes, he himself chased a cheerful looking duckling for a few minutes before finally capturing it.

We both presented a scene of amusement to several school staff,

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