Friday, June 20, 2008

U.S. dumping wastages in India.

Immediately after my post about the major environmental danger approaching America, I read in a magazine in Tamil about how the U.S. is dumping its toxic effluents in India.

Well though the dumping was not done directly, it seemed it sold wastage that filled 40 containers to the ITC, a major firm in India. Those 40 containers were docked at Tuticorin port, about 650 KMs east of Madras.

The containers said to contain contaminated municipal waster such as polythene bags, crushed soft drink cans, pesticide containers, used batteries, metal wires and others more have been rotting away at the port. A legal case is going on but the prestigious ITC says they are not poisonous wastes. America refuses to take it back.

Here is a video clip you can watch. Times of India too reported this.

What they are going to with such a garbage? Who knows, who is John Galt?

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