Thursday, July 24, 2008

A stray dog stole the shoe.

It is one of those days when nothing happens to my liking. It seems the day of frustration for me.

First, the arguing parent, next the heat, third is the power cut and now my husband demands a new pair of Adidas Trainers because a stray dog took away one of his running shoes.

Fortunately, that was very old and so anyway his demand for new trainers is justified. My son gave an unsolicited advice to his father that he should buy Nike Trainers as they last longer than Adidas. “Adidas dad, is only for boxers”-he ridiculed his dad’s choice. Oh, from where he got that notion?

But my husband is not a casual shopper. He compares several brands offered by several online stores, list out his choices, spends considerable time in deciding finally.

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