Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Packed with anti-oxidants.

I liked the interior of that A/C chair car in the train in which I traveled yesterday from Harihar to Bangalore. The seats were new and wore a good looking and red color patterned upholstery.

The train was less crowded and I could choose any seat I wanted. I took an aisle seat, settled down and ordered coffee from the first coffee vendor. While sipping the coffee, I noticed an empty plastic box that bore the name Leptovox.

Glancing at its contents, I was impressed with the list that included Barley, Wheat and Grass green tea among others.

Hmm… have some of the weight loss diet pills manufactured abroad reached the shelves Indian medical stores?

I pocketed the empty plastic bottle with some embarrassment (redface) but fortunately, the ticket examiner who saw my act decently turned away.

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