Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Twitter is just oneway blogging.

I don't understand the Twitter at all. Someone found my tweets interesting and useful and decides to follow my tweets.

I receive a message from Twitter regarding the new follower.

I see his profile and tweets. If his/her tweets are useful to me in any way, I follow. If not, I don't decide to follow back.

This is not liked by the new follower and he/she promptly click the 'unfollow' button.

Is this all about Twitter?

You make a comment on a blog post because you have something to say. If your comment is not published, would you stop visiting that blog in future?

You subscribe to blog because you know you will benefit. If your subscription is not reciprocated, will you unsubscribe?

Then, why it is only happening in Twitter?

So, Tweeters are all interested in showing how many people are following their tweets! I don't think it will lead to anywhere.

There are many Twitter tools that will alert you if someone 'unfollows' you so that you too retort back by stop following.

I believe Twitter traffic is all hype. If there is no real and genuine networking, Twitter is just oneway blogging.

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Deirdre Baker said...

I see your point but I believe that Twitter has many uses. I, for instance, tend to use it for marketing and search. To each his own I say. Twitter is here to stay!