Wireless cell phone repeater
Image courtesy: Google Images.
From Art to zen, from zero to infinity, I will key in my daily musings.
I should blame Yahoo! for making me hungry for a carrot cake. That appetising and salivating picture of carrot cake made me hear the rumbles in my stomach.
This is the first time I am hearing about a cake made of carrot. We use carrot only in salad. Of course my son loves carrot juice.
This carrot cake picture is given below.
For the recipe of this carrot cake, you should read Yahoo! food. Oh, the recipe is all fine but the mention of egg in it makes me to have second thought. How can I eat a cake with egg as one of the ingredient?
No, I am going to compromise for once and prepare the cake. God, please pardon me once, just this once. If not, why else you made me look at this carrot cake?
When my son waved a news paper in his hand asking the question, I was in a sullen mood.
The US$ declined, a barrel of oil became more dearer, more engineering colleges are likely to be opened in our state, IT engineers recruitment is stopped- so what son?
bold letters were these words, “Myth or reality?”.
Image courtesy: Google Images
I just could not comprehend the need for a perpetual calendar watch that my son is demanding. He is literally demanding me to get him an IWC watch with a perpetual calendar.
In an interesting article that I read in the 'Scholar', a supplementary special published by 'The Hindu' dated May 24th 2008, several educationists opined that children prefer other teaching aids such as computers, CD ROMs, etc.
I could sense their concern for children (their's too) as being burdened to carry the books to schools but I feel books are still the basic reading material for all ages. Computers can only help make the children understand the subjects in a different manner but computers and CD ROMs cannot yet replace the books.
Well, I am not going to debate on an issue that will lead to nowhere.
Apart from the home page article, I was attracted by various other contents of the 'Scholar', not to mention the nice design. Even some of the ads they managed to procure will be useful to parents and teachers.
There is another piece of information that I liked; its about a list of special schools in and around Madras. There are so many schools that target special children like deaf, blind, mentally retarded that many parents may not be aware; they also have no means to look for such special education. I mean they are people who are not resourceful enough to gather information.
Schools that teach fine arts also have advertised their services. Fine arts teaching is one area that I think is on the decline. May be such schools can use a little bit of free promotion by "The Hindu' who are know patrons of fine arts.
I think the next issue on education will hit the streets only during next academic year. I wonder how it will be!
I would like to see interviews of parents, teachers and even students. If possible, the editor of the 'Scholar' should publish unedited version of such interviews as they are sure to contain true appreciation as well as criticism.
Thank you 'The Hindu' for the 'Scholar'.
What? Lingerie made of leather? I have not heard of so far! Why would women choose to wear inner garments made of leather? I thought inner garments like lingerie are supposed to give you comfort. Would leather lingerie do that?
Actually, I happen to read the question in the title in a fashion forum. But none had replied the question. I thought I will reply the question and so searched for leather lingerie.
I was astonished to find a lot of websites that sell leather lingerie along with hundreds of cheap lingerie, bridal lingerie (this is also new to me) and more.
Out of the hundreds of websites, I liked Lingeriediva.com because of myriad inner garments and the spread is really vast. There are eye catching negligees, swim wear, lingerie and so on.
I think lingeriediva.com attracts more men who would like buy something to his wife that is for his eyes only.
Lingeriediva.com ranks third in Google’s search for ‘Leather Lingerie’.
For the past one month, I have been submitting my blogs and directories in various directories. The experience of submitting to directories has not changed a bit; it is a monotonous and boring task but it is to be done however.
I have a list of more than 1000 good directories that I have compiled from various resources. As usual, over a period of time, some directories drop off.
Today, I have stumbled onto a great resource of top directories. Each directory listed is described in short about the free listing requirements along with its Google PR.
Also, there is a provision to include your own directory for free. This is a wonderful opportunity to get listed in one of the highly visited database of web directories.
The story goes like this: “Listen mate, I am sober like a stone and let me tell you why I am in an alcohol rehab and you will agree with me fully that…”
I use flash drive. Every single byte of information related to my work or fun is stored in my pen drive. I do not store anything in my hard drive.
Though this gives me a sense of relief from the fear of hard disc crash, I am still afraid the same might happen to pen drives too. Does anyone know a pen drive hat can last 10 years or more?
The alternative storage solution is online storage facilities. When I read about Amazon's S3 web service, I was elated because the service will be dependable as it is provided by Amazon.
"Amazon S3 provides a simple web services interface that can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the web."-Amazon S3
When I opened it in my browser, I saw that this service is made available only to those living in the U.S. and the Europe.
Too bad!
The story of the twins that founded the city of
Since then, I volunteered to participate in all the essay competitions in my school and I used to win several times for my writing skill. All the essays that I wrote were about
Now I am 48; I still long to visit
I intend to find websites for booking cheap hotels in
Apart from hotel bookings, I read some useful tips to remember when visiting
“Service in
Get used to surly and slow waiters, ticket sellers, hotel clerks, etc. Rather than get aggravated, adjust to the pace of life, slow down, and take your time.”
In the year 2000, when I first got entangled in the web, I frequently bumped onto websites that offer tips that are very useful in my day to day life.
Some examples are, how to keep the soap dry always, where to locate home repair services, how to detect a Trojan and remove it from my PC etc etc.
That is how I got so hooked to the Internet. The information I gathered was enormous and it also made me the center of attraction at family gatherings, staff room in the college I worked and in the parties of course.
Now, I don't seem to stumble onto such great tips. May be because my focus is elsewhere. I know I can find the life tips if I search for but I simply want to bump into them like before.
She failed to keep her appointment with me on another excuse. This is not the first time that she had cancelled the appointment. It seems she gets intruded always on the appointment hour.
Chinese staple diet is rice and for me too. But the preparation is altogether different.
In Madras, Chinese food is available widely and I too like their fried rice, Schezwan noodles etc.
But the same food if eaten in China might contain other ingredients apart from vegetables.
In various travelogues, I read about visitors' experience on the nature of Chinese food. Chinese eat a lot of meat varieties and it is believed that one can find meat pieces even in vegetarian food-is that so?
My husband wants to see the great China wall and news about food bothers him. He is also a vegetarian like me.
I am aware that all the Indian vegetables are available in China but we are still hesitant to go there.
I read about this product of this century-a solar bra. It is developed as a means to recharge a cell phone or iPod.
This news story appeared in today’s Time of India. But alas, there was no mention about its price and where it is available.
I immediately went to Shopwiki.com, my favorite online shopping mall and searched for it. No, it was not available there. While searching there, I also stopped at their home and garden section to see if there is anything new.
My son wanted an all-in-one kind of tool kit. He has been contributing on various issues related to home maintenance and gadgets repair. He has a natural ability to fix things.
Last week, my computer table needed fixing of one of its wheels. My son could not locate a correct size spanner but managed to fix it with a kitchen tongs.
I bought this Black Box LAN Tool Kit - FT178A. But I felt it was costly at around $500. Oh well, we will be able to recover its cost over a period of time by not engaging professional help.
I am still on the look out for that solar bra.
As if on a war footing, hotels in India are reprinting their menu cards after modifying the food price.
Modify-in the sense, they are increasing the price because, the prices of essential commodities have sky rocketed in India.
The Government is a mute witness to the alarming inflation factor. All they do assure through hyped media that everything is under control and people are asked not to believe the rumors.
Rumors? How indignant? I know the increased prices of pulses and edible oils. Who are they trying to fool?
All the politicians are interested now is to watch the multi billion dollar cricket festival and invite international shopping brands to India so that they find one more avenue to spend their wealth in India itself.
And Bush is accusing Indians of their increased food intake and that is the reason for the high prices.
Ha, ha!
I am a firm believer of this age old proverb: “Beauty is ten, nine of which is dressing.”
Whether you work from your home, or just a home maker, you need not be immaculately dressed but at least neatly dressed. That alone can give you lot of confidence.
Sometime back I wrote a blog post on the water crisis in an African nation. Children are said to be dying by drinking filthy water.
Such news though rare, make me think that the UN is becoming inert. The UN is all the time have to grapple with the U.S.'s unpopular foreign policy.
Well, I am not here to discuss the whims of Bush; I am drawing your attention to the world's biggest money game-the IPL T20 cricket. If one cares to read the amount of money involved in the money hungry circus, one would like to know where all the money was?
Millions of dollars kept poring in from industrialists, corporate houses and film actors. I dare not make an estimate of the approximate amount they have put in. But even a quarter of it could have solved that water crisis of the African nation.
I am not saying that the T20 itself should not have been organized but such an energy from all the levels could have done wonders otherwise.
Even he should be amused to read again what he said. He obviously is not backed well informed staff.
His contention is that since the Indian middle class has started earning well, they started eating well and it is a good sign for
Indian media quickly retorted by quoting authentic statistics that an American eats five times more than any Indian.
Source: Almost all news papers in India
lead their life after retirement. Come on; don’t say that you won’t retire. Everything needs to stop sometime; we can’t go on working for ever.
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"Excuse me please, I am mad about my religion"- this thought came to me when I read about a vaishnavaite group that initiated a legal proceedings against Kamal's yet to be released movie 'Dasavatharam".
Do you know their line argument? " Untold hardship and irreparable loss" is what they felt when they saw a few scenes in the movie trailer.
See the extent they go to publicise themselves! Religion is the number one excuse in India and one can commit anything or say anything under the religious pretext and stay immune to law.
Using religion, an individual or a group can do any amount of harm to anybody.
It is very sad that this vaishnavite group has not studied the basic principles of Bhagvat Gita which is the most sacred teaching for the vaishnavites.
What is their untold hardship and what they have lost? To me they have lost their mind and soul. They are just mad.
News source: Times of India
I remember this very well and it is displayed in my office:
“If money is lost, nothing is lost; if health is lost, something is lost; if character is lost, everything is last.”
“If credit worthiness is lost, everything is lost”.
But, don’t worry; here is a solution to repair credit and your previous credit status revived.
If even after 10 years of being online, one can’t decide the correct shopping cart, then it is better not to start the online business.
I won't say the God is cruel because he is always kind. Whoever asked me the question, "when is the next art exhibition' is also not cruel but only the time. I was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
So, here I am, trying to find the answer, I found out a web site where UK based art listings and opinions using maps, and more can be found.
For example, the "Zombie Surfers" exhibition at the Cell Project Space is going to end in 30 days from today. You can suggest a venue, such an event and leave your feedback on an exhibition you have attended.
The picture you see here belongs to a photography exhibition that is to end in 44 days time.
ArtRabbit is the online tool for everyone interested in the UK's vibrant contemporary art scene – connecting hundreds of venues with thousands of daily visitors and their opinions.