Tuesday, December 25, 2007

How to make use of Social News.

It is no wonder that Dosh Dosh enjoys huge readership. I happen to read his fantastic article on 'Social Websites' and I envy that man's knowledge and of course patience to write in depth article.

After reading this article, I started looking at social websites that allow us to submit news stories with a different perspective.

I liked his explanation about social news sites:
"Social News websites generally operate via a wisdom of the crowds principle; groups of individuals with different points of views are able to collectively determine the value or importance of content disseminated through the community."

This is an excellent observation. I know everyone's favorite social news is Digg but my vote is for Sphinn and I really find pleasure reading Sphinn. The layout is good and the navigation is easy.

I concentrate on news stories about internet and web applications more than any other topics.
I understand that Shoutwire.com is slowly gaining rating.

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