How often we have all taken life insurances policies for a few lakh Rupees listening to our insurance agents' advise? Most of us don't a life insurance policy for more than 5 lakhs.
This applies to our children who have just joined a college. I happen to read an article in today's Times of India which made sense to me and also gave me fresh insight on investing in life insurance.
Why we take insurance policy, the answer to this remains pretty much the same, but the amount to which one can insure can be as high 50 lakh or 1 crore for a little more premium than what one pays for 5 lakh policy now.
Surprised ? You can check this out with various insurance companies. Take time to compare the different life insurance policies, premium and the assured sum on maturity. You will realize your folly of taking small life policies.
For reasons best known, insurance agents tell you that policies with higher stakes are available only for higher premium. What they don't tell you is that you can increase the period of premium payment so that for less yearly premium, it becomes possible to insure for higher amount.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Why you should take high value life insurance?
Thursday, May 26, 2011
I am getting myself a silent warrior.
I shocked my family members when I expressed my wish that the noisy generator breaks down soon however loyal it has been to me for several years. My mind is now fixed on getting a new Generac generator. My sister-in-law is all praise for generac generators because they are silently efficient.
I gained some insight on Generac generators by reading blogs that reviewed generators. What I gathered made my resolution to replace the existing old warrior stronger. I am running an educational academy where the present generator is placed.
It is put into use quite often because of frequent load shedding. Though it generates enough power, it also generates big noise which is not at all convenient in a class room.
The price of the new Generac will dig a hole in my bank balance but I feel the necessity to spend considering the present inconvenience.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
26 years of married life.
Image by shckor via FlickrMay 24 every year is turning out to be another routine day for me. But for a couple of wishes (yes, my wedding anniversary), it is just another day.
I will make some sweets and will consume a little more of them than any other day. That is the only treat I give myself.
In the first few years after marriage, there will be several callers to wish but as years roll on, the wishes stop. I think they have had enough and so too I.
After 26 years of married life, only your immediate family matters-eh?
Therefore, why give importance to anything in this world? Good or bad tends to fade away. Time is a wonderful healer.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Can all older men take HGH supplements?
I know she was wrong the moment she spoke to a group of teachers that hgh supplements would work within 7 days after taking them. Obviously, she was ill prepared and possessed half baked knowledge.
HGH Releasers:
HGH supplements are meant to release the necessary hormones from pituitary glands. Yes, I would rather not call them as HGH supplements but as HGH releasers. I am sure to get the hottest criticism for re-naming it.
Another important aspect I wanted I wanted to covey the health volunteer that HGH is a strictly prescription medicine and none should be encouraged to walk into a local pharmacy and seek the chemist’s recommendation.
HGH is known to cause serious side effects. What worked absolutely perfectly might prove to be detrimental to another who can be a same family member; irrespective of the popularity of the product in HGH supplements review sites.
Finally, not old men and women are recommended to go for hgh supplements..
I took the speaker aside and briefed her about these HGH facts. She invited me to speak at the next gathering.
IPL is heading towards predicted result.
Did you notice the behaviour of some of the Mumbai Indian players? It seems the presence of Tendulkar emboldened them to behave not in a sportive manner. The other day, when they got the thrash from Rajasthan Royals, Ambati Rayudu seemed to have abused Shane Watson for hitting a six.
Posted by
Rangan Badri
Monday, May 23, 2011
Labels: Indian Premier League, IPL Cricket
Friday, May 20, 2011
How can you smell anything good off a cigar?
I glared at my husband. He did not cringe. Later, I realized I should not have behaved like that. After all, he was only showing his knowledge about don tomas cigars though he never smoked a cigar in his life.
A retired politician known to us for long, suddenly dropped into our house. He smokes cigars. During a relaxed conversation, he recollected his days with my husband’s father who had once gifted a box of Don Tomas Clasico cigars. He now lamented that it is no longer available in the market.
My husband intervened to suggest he should look for Don Tomas Sun Grown- favorite of many in the U.K. Sun Grown is equally good he informed. It is said to come with a rare floral flavor.
I could not restrain myself any further. I burst out asking, “How can you smell anything good off a cigar”?
The two men exchanged glanced but chose not to answer me.
New diabetic supplies for type 2 diabetes.
Image via WikipediaThe man who brought a nice looking tray full of diabetes supplies had look on his face that was all eager. He knew he had found a potential client. Both my husband and my mother-in-law are diabetic.
Diabetic testing supplies:
The sales man must be have been very experienced. He knew diabetes patients are always looking for new testing ways to find out the blood sugar. I know diabetic testing methods have come a long way since the days diabetic patients spent nearly 3 hours in a testing lab to give blood for testing blood glucose, eat something there and wait for 90+ minutes to test the blood again.
Now, in less than 30 seconds, my husband is measuring his blood sugar level with a prick. What else can be done? Why he is still looking for new ways to test his blood sugar? I suppose he is searching for a method to test blood glucose without extracting blood!
The sales man showed me a new glucometer where inserting the blood tinged testing strip is more convenient.
He bolted when my husband asked him will it reduce his blood sugar without taking insulin injections.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
The best dress for yoga!
“Don’t you think it is too late to join yoga training?” I asked one of my former students who is now operating a yoga studio. She vehemently disagreed with me and showed video clips of her yoga training sessions in which several women who are much older to me were flexing their body.
Most of them wore shorts while a handful sported yoga pants. I cringed. I could not visualize myself walking in a fully occupied room in shorts. The young yoga master pacified me that I can wear anything in which I feel comfortable.
I still was not sure. With the dress code matter settled, I quizzed on myriad things that sounded silly to me when the yoga studio owner left me.
I watched the video again and tried imitating one or two yoga exercise with my churidar on. I realized that I was conscious only on my dress and not on the exercise. Wearing shorts should be sensible but I could not reconcile myself to stand in shorts in front of strangers.
Finally, I settled for a pair of yoga pants.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
The women bloggers in India.
Where have you all gone? I have subscribed to more than 30 women bloggers but they have not been updating their blogs regularly. All of them write so well and interestingly too on myriad topics.
Recently, I have befriended (digitally of course) a woman blogger named Kavita Tata. She runs a blog at
Her Tweets are frequent and related to my niche. All my earlier women bloggers friends use to blog about blogging, blog promotion, blog monetization. Now they are all replaced by Kavita.
Are there more of you women bloggers? Are there any from Chennai.? I met a few women bloggers from Chennai some time ago. They are all interested in movie gossips only.
May be I should seek Kavita's help in finding more women bloggers from India.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
One more case of Topamax injury.
None would enjoy reading news concerning women giving birth to children with serious defects on a steaming Sunday morning. I am no exception especially being woman. It is the third case of Topamax birth defect that I read in the last 6 months.
Of course not all are aware of epileptic seizures in children and therefore, there is no way they have read about Topamax that promised solution to this vexing problem.
Some doctors unwisely prescribed the same drug to cure severe migraine and that is where problem started. Some women who took Topamax happened to be pregnant. When they delivered, a few hospitals registered cases of children born with cleft lip or cleft palate. Further investigation led them to Topamax that might have caused this harmful side effect.
O’Hanlon, McCollom & Demerath, attorneys that understand personal injuries due to medicines and other causes quickly researched the topic and issues and came forward to help the victims of Topamax to seek legal compensation.
They can be reached at 877-494-9949.
Posted by
Rangan Badri
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Labels: medico legal, topamax, Topiramate