Sunday, January 09, 2011

My book in the Amazon books best sellers list.

I am a typical example for this famous quote:” When everything comes in your way, you are in the wrong lane”. I don’t think even a world famous character analyst will find what is wrong with me.

I have been dreaming about getting my book accepted for sale by the Amazon books since last three years. It is my life mission. During all these years of waiting, few offers came on my way promising me to get my book into the Amazon bookshelves under certain conditions that demanded that I modify my content.

I could not compromise mainly because it meant I compromise on what I value in education. I have been a teacher for the past 24 years. Would you call it unfortunate if I had seen it all to know clearly what not to do by teachers?

However, I have not given up. One day, my book would be among the best sellers of Amazon books.

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