Wednesday, January 06, 2010

How to excel in algebra?

In my 12 years of experience, I have never seen such fantastic batch of students as the present batch. They seem to produce excellent work that is evident from the marks they have obtained so far in all the tests that I have conducted.

They especially have shown great improvement in algebra. Even students that I expected to be dull have surprised me with their brilliant performance.

Unable to hide her pride, one girl confided in me the reason for her better marks. She has purchased a CD named “Algebrator” that seems to teach Algebra better than me!

This girl student then recommended the algebrator to her friends and the entire lot has purchased as they are impressed with the marks of the girl who was actually marked as dull student by me.

I have visited the site and was quite impressed with what they offer. It is a big boon really for math students.

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