Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Magnanimity personified.

I want to share with you about an incident involving me and As a part of their assignment to me, I was supposed to make a comment on a Youtube video clip.

I tried about 15 times to make my comment appear on the Youtube video clip and I realized only late that Youtube entertains a personal animosity towards me. (just kidding)

I informed this to Pay2blog and requested that they need not pay me the full amount. But I did receive the full amount in spite of my email to them.

I again contacted them about the whole incident and offered to pay back the excess money received. I received a reply from them thanking me for my offer to return the excess money but allowing me to keep it also with a nice "Enjoy" note.

Isn't it nice to work with such kind people? Friends

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Nautankey said...

That sounds great.Lucky :)