Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Reliance Fresh found wanting.

I already said that I like anything Reliance and that includes Reliance Communications, Reliance Petro and Reliance Fresh. The last mentioned is a retail outlet of groceries, vegetables, fruits, soft drinks, ice creams and staples.

There is an outlet very near my house and I used to frequent there for my home needs. Of late, I noticed a dire shortage of billing clerks. Out of three or four billing counters, only one was functioning and naturally, the girl at that counter is overloaded and frequently escapes due to fatigue.

Two days, before, I went to Reliance Fresh with my son, filled up the shopping cart and waited for the lonely billing girl but she simply wasn't interested in doing her work. She saw us and a few others waiting to pay their bill but still gave us scant notice.

We eventually left frustrated leaving our shopping cart at the billing counter.

I respect you Reliance but do you respect your customers?

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