Sunday, February 17, 2008

PKI replaces Esign.

I confess I misread the title I read somewhere. It should be the other way. It should read "Esign replaces PKI."

There is an undertone of urgency in everyone’s life. People always compete with time to save time. Money too is saved in this process. Internet makes so many things possible now and silently supports our race against time.

Even the law machinery was roped in to contribute to time saving concept when the U.S. Federal Law passed the electronic signature in global and national commerce act for electronically signing various business and trade agreement between corporate houses and their clients thus replacing the costlier Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

The benefits of esign.

Transparency and the speed are two main benefits of esignature.

The next important advantage of esign is the accessibility of the documents from anywhere.

Getting the sales activity instantly without any ambiguity helps the companies to reduce their cost of sales thereby increasing the bottom line. is offering the esign service that has already caught the fancies of many leading companies. I took time to browse their entire website and I found a lot of clarity in explaining the process and benefits.

They offer three different plans with very competitive pricing. They even offer a free trial version.

I believe this free trial offer is an excellent sales strategy because I don’t think any company will wait to sign up one of their plans even before the trial period ends.

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