Saturday, May 08, 2010

Wedding invitation should depict your character.

We choose many things quickly and that includes dress. But, we linger a lot while choosing wedding invitations and greeting cards. I would say it speaks for our love while trying to send the right greeting card that can clearly express our feelings.
Choosing a wedding invitation is a little more time consuming as this is a one-time event (hopefully) and we want it to remain in the receivers’ memory for a long time.
For my wedding, I had to compromise with my family’s choice. My regret deepened after I saw the wedding invitation that my husband made for his friends exclusively. He later told me that he designed the layout and wrote the content himself.
In today’s world, wedding invitations are elaborately decorated with gold linings and embedded with big pictures of Gods. They must cost a fortune.
I would it prefer it simple and the content should speak of the character of the bride/groom.
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