Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dual action Lipovox.

“A brook would lose its song if God removed the rocks”-I was in deep appreciation when I read this and was lingering on the poetic expression when I got a call from a telesales girl to ask me if I would want a free sample of Lipovox.

I first said no but changed my mind asked the sweet sounding girl what is new in Lipovox that she is offering a free sample. She informed that Lipovox comes with dual purpose.

It is said to burn fat more quickly and also acts on acne. It sounded odd to me. These two purposes are entirely different. People with acne mostly apply something on acne while to burn the belly fat, one consumes something orally.

The sales girl affirmed that the new Lipovox has proven results on its dual action and prodded me to try it.

I declined politely on the grounds that neither I have excess fat to bur nor I have pimples on my face.

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