Friday, July 24, 2009

Read this before you buy diet supplements.

“Are there diet-supplements for people who have blood pressure?”-I asked my family doctor. He gave me an odd look that suggested a little bit of bewilderment.

Since he knew me for so long, he is sure that I was not asking this question for me. There is no way I can put pressure on my blood as I am one of the easiest persons. Nothing in this life ever bothers me.

Without replying me directly, he pushed over some papers across his table and asked me to read them.

I was shocked. And yes, I was angry too though I have never used diet supplements in my life.

What I read surely made my blood boil and the color on my face might have indicated the doctor that I am beginning to have blood pressure.


If you are in the habit of using diet supplements or if you know anyone taking diet supplements of fat loss or for diabetics, please go to

You will then understand why I was angry after reading the information the doctor gave me.

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