Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Organize your academic papers.

The speech I gave was well received by other academicians and the college principal. I deviated totally from the topic that was given to me though I did start on that-'Social values of an academician'.

It was quite unintentional that I went a long way off the topic to switch to organizing our academic papers that we have to prepare periodically as a part of our duty.

I introduced them to an online service called http://citeulike.org.
This is an ideal platform to store and organize our academic workings. Since this is also viewable by anyone in the world, our ideas and methods on various academic related issues reach far and wide.

The exchange value is also very useful to teachers and students. For example, I cited a lovely article on 'The Emergence of dynamic social psychology' written by Robin R Vallacher, Andrzej Nowak.

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