Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Have you grabbed an offer to earn?

There is a sudden spurt of activities in Blogsvertise. I see more number of paid assignments and the pay rate is good when compared to many other players in the same industry.

If you are already in Blogsvertise, you must be aware of the 'Grab Bag Offers'. Sponsored posts that are accepted by bloggers but expired after 5 days due to inaction by the bloggers are again offered to us as Grab Bag Offers.

In your member area, you should click on the list of your blogs. If an offer is available, it will be posted there indicated by a bag image adjacent to your blog name. You must click on that image to know the details and to accept.

This action you do every time you log in to your account, else you may miss out on a few offers.

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