Saturday, February 18, 2012

6 most profitable forex trading strateges..

Profitable forex trading strategy can be learnt without any e-book guidance. I am aware of several software that promise to give you buy and sell signals several times a day. The learning curve to use the software is a bit steep. In addition, the preliminary period would involve losses that would certainly dampen your spirit.

Therefore, to make profits while trading with forex, it is better to enroll in a one-to-one forex trading course with an experienced stock broker. Since I have been an active equity and commodity trader since 1996, I am able to pick up the tricks of trading forex easily.

Don't trade!
* My experience taught me not to trade (speculate) in forex. If you don't have some financial backup, forex trading would only fetch you losses.

* In addition, whether you earn a profit or incur loss, don't yield to your urge trading more than once a day.

* Don't try to automate your forex trading activity using any software.

* Read global financial trends and political changes regularly.

* Organize your work on a daily basis.

* Don't assume that only the U.S. Dollar is the actively traded currency. If you look at other less actively traded foreign currencies, you would be surprised to unearth big treasures.

The potential to earn big money in forex trading will never wane.

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