Have you heard? You can now buy Amazon books at a discount of 10% on the price listed in Amazon.com
Don’t you think it is a deal that just simply cannot be ignored? Amazon.com is supposed to be the world’s cheapest marketplace for books,
Buy.com offers 10% off Amazon books pricing and this is going to attract hoards of customers. Already Buy.com is proving to be the most sought after shopping mall online because of lowest price guarantee.
In case if you are wondering whether you need a promotion code to avail this offer, the answer is ‘NO’. No coupons or promotion codes are necessary.
This 10% discount offer on Amazon Books will not last long. I just bought “The Lost Symbol” by Dan Brown.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Buy Amazon books at 10% discount.
Google Sidewiki acts as website reviewer.
When you are viewing a website either with a purpose or accidentally, when you are impressed with its content and are contemplating to buy anything from that website, you might feel like looking at some feedback or comments that may help you decide-right?
Google has come forward to help you. It has introduced an useful tool called "Sidewiki", a side toolbar that will resolve your wish.
I am using it since yesterday and I cannot stay away from it all. It is excellent and extremely useful.
I have written article about Google Sidewiki in my Web Tools Gallery. Please take time to read it. I am sure you will like it and pass it on to your friends.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Entire Indian population thanks Government of India.
I along with the entire Indian population should thank the Government of India for its initiative taken to put some meaningful regulation in the real estate operation.
Though late, it still a welcome move. Statistics can clearly show how many thousands of Indians have been cheated to the tune of several crones by real estate developers.
Government is considering the following.
* The legislation seeks to prevent advance payments being extracted from buyers without a written sale agreement containing project time line, payment details and possession date. The promoter will not be able to cancel the sale deed unilaterally. If there is sufficient reason to do so, a notice will have to be given and the money paid will be returned with interest fixed to bank rate. The promoters would furnish a bank guarantee equal to 5% of estimated cost of projects.
* Providing A Solid Foundation
* Builders will have to register with regulator and provide details of number and size of plots, layout plan and other facilities before launching any project
* They will not be able to take any advance payment from buyer without written sale agreement mentioning project timeline, payment details and possession date
* Promoter can’t cancel sale deed unilaterally. Will have to give notice and provide entire amount with interest
* Buyers will have to be clearly told the carpet area, super area, common area and other specifications of apartments by the promoter
* If developers fail to provide services like supply of electricity, water, sewage and drainage, consumers can approach the regulator for relief Builders can’t hide ‘actual living space’
Thank you Government of India. I wish you put all this into immediate effect.
Original article: Buying home to get safer
Saturday, September 19, 2009
5 words to help you shed weight.
What are all the weight loss methods you know of?
* Walking
* Medicines
* Diet plan
* Food supplements
* Autosuggestion
My mother-in-law has several aces up her sleeve and if only she is willing to talk in public, I am sure one can see a queue in front of my house to meet her.
But who has got faith in an old woman. I don’t blame anyone. After all, a weight loss pill promises to deliver quicker results with almost nil side effects-right?
Applying the very basic commonsense and fundamental science and math, we need only to equate-rather balance the calorie taken in and calorie spent.
How do we do that?
Eat Less and Move More! (Did you count 5 words?)
Note: This appliers to all actually.
No Internet in Chennai.
Chennai aka Madras is known as a metropolitan city in India.
But the shocking fact is the Internet connection is not available in many parts of this ancient city.
I was misled and deceived by TV ads, newspaper advertisements and announcements that broadband internet connection is just a phone call or SMS away.
There are darker sides to such advertisements.
I am planning to shift my residence and I have been trying to buy an internet connection in the new locality.
First, my existing internet service provider Airtel resolutely said 'NO' to my request for shifting the connection stating non-feasibility as the reason. But the truth is they have provided Internet broadband to a huge apartment complex just a hundred meters away from my house where I am planning to move in.
Next, I approached BSNL, a Government of India organization and they also said it is not feasible to provide broadband internet connection in that area. Their reasons are more shocking.
And this is India for you.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Find the latest mobile phones in consumermate.com
Have you heard of a person who has never owned a computer or a mobile phone, speaking about every other brands and models of them?
This person, whom I know about since 24 years, talks about every technical feature of even HDTVs and latest laptop computers more than a trained sales executive.
Oh, yes, I know him like the back of my hand simply because he happens to be my husband.
How did he possess all the technical knowledge and market information on LCD TVs and mobile phones without ever buying anything?
He has this habit of browsing through review sites that publishes reviews of electronic gadgets. His latest addition is consumermate.com, a 9.9 media company promoted by enthusiastic Indian entrepreneurs.
They started reviewing various top laptop computers. Then they added LCD TVs during the last IPL cricket tournament and now, thanks to them, they have started publishing authentic information about all the top branded mobile phones.
How consumermate.com is helpful to consumers?
- They have their own testing center where they test the performance of all the products they deal with. This adds to the authenticity of the information they publish about LCD TVs, laptops and mobile phones. Their test ratings are taken seriously by the prospective buyers.
- They have this unique feature called “Ask Us’ where you can ask technical questions on the gadgets you intend to buy.
- One can compare various models of a single brand before buying. For example, there are 48 products of Sony laptop computers. With a single click, you can browse all of them and then decide.
- If you are still unsure, use their virtual guru to guide you to buy a laptop that will suit your needs.
Now, can you guess what my husband has been up to?
Which Ephedra free diet pill works best?
I believe not all those who are looking for authentic information on how to lose belly fat are aware of the FDA's regulation that fat burners should not contain Ephedrine, the main ingredient in all the energy boosters and appetizer suppressants.
I know this for sure because of a conversation I had with a lady recently. This lady is a big snob and she assumes that she is very smart because she is knowledgeable.
I had a tough time convincing her about the Ephedra being banned by the FDA and all the weight loss pills, appetizer suppressants, calorie spenders and diet pills that now come in the market have replaced Ephedra with another chemical called Synephrine which is similar to its predecessor and this chemical is found in a fruit called bitter orange.
Fatburner.net is review site that has published reviews of Ephedrine free weight loss pills and consumers have also rated them considering several parameters.
The name of this bitter orange fruit is Zhi shi.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
What a gloomy prediction!
There is a full page advertisement in "The Times of India" today released by Quaker Oats.
The bold headlines read, "By 2010, 46.9 million Indians will suffer from Heart Disease".
This is the most effective way to poison our subconscious mind. I am deeply perturbed by the way a useful product is advertised. I consume Quaker Oats daily and I love the product.
I am sure there are better ways to take your product to the public. This highly negative and gloomy prediction is not a healthy practice to advertise. There are positive ways to educate people and the present Indian population is far wiser to succumb to statistics based promotion.
Oh no, this is too much folks, just too much.
I have no intention to mar any one's prestige. I sincerely hope the advertisers realize the psychological impact their advertisement might produce.
If I were to copywrite for the same ad:
"The big hearted Indians will have healthier hearts"
" Quaker Oats promises to make the heart of Indians healthier"
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Online bus ticket booking through Ksrtc.in
Three days ago, I visited the K.S.R.T.C. counter in Koyambedu bus terminus. The lady behind the counter was friendly and answered all my questions patiently.
I took her advise and booked a bus ticket to Bangalore from Madras through their web site ksrtc.in. The entire booking process was smooth and bug free which itself is a surprise when compared to so many e-commerce websites in India including some of the nationalized banks and travel sites.
I already blogged about my unpleasant experience with some of the Indian websites.
I appreciate the web developers of ksrtc.in and I thank them for providing an excellent online bus ticket booking portal.
Do you know that they published a detailed time table of their all bus routes? Very useful for all of us.
Posted by
Rangan Badri
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Labels: Mala's musings, Road travel
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Buy cheap car accessories online.
My husband could be easily placated. I simply apologized for my criticism on his purchase and as a means to pacify my husband, I visited carid.com, my husband’s favorite car accessories store and bought a new skin for the steering wheel that was in contrast for the floor mat color.
But I told him that this is going to be the last purchase of any spare for the aging Toyota. It is time to dispose of the old hauler.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Buy gold from wholesale gold coins merchant.
I don’t think a money expert needs to tell us about the importance and value of investing in gold coins-right?
We all saw the newspaper a few days ago that reported new peak in gold prices. I think it is the first time that I noticed the price of gold rallied along with the stock market. It was always the other way so far. I mean, when the stock market took a dip, bullion market looked up.
Is the world population turning wiser by buying gold coins and gold bars? Isn’t that evident when the demand supply gap for gold widened and that should have been the cause for the rise of price of gold?
I recently came across a website that sells certified gold coins of various countries that includes Ethiopia! Wow!
Like majority of the people who strongly believes in bullion investing, I too have accumulated a fistful of cold coins that are easy to liquidate when compared to gold bars. I once bought this chunk of asset from a wholesale gold coins dealer.
But I request you not to disclose about my wealth to anyone. After all, some might turn jealous-eh?
Saturday, September 05, 2009
New source for laptops.
I was introduced to a new online store for laptops where I web shopped for latest laptops that offer 1 TB hard disc space. My husband wanted to know why I need 1 TB space. I told him I have plans but I refused to disclose the details.
But I didn’t buy any laptop immediately. I ignored my urge as I already promised a laptop for visually handicapped student who was once my neighbor. Laptop computer for blind people is not readily available off the shelf.
I need to buy a normal laptop from any store and look for screen access technology for the blind person who is going to receive as a gift from our math club.
This new online source for laptops also sell other electronic goods like digital camcorders, game consoles etc.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Looking for free biology study materials?
Yesterday, I was the heroine in a math club because I have introduced to the hundreds of students and teachers who were present a new hero that can’t act in films.
It was the course hero who was the center of attraction. I informed all of them about my latest find called coursehero.com, an online database of hundreds of free quality study materials for college students in almost all the subjects that include Biology, mathematics, and economics and so on.
I patted myself for having thoughts of browsing through some of the Biology Homework Solutions even though my subject is mathematics. Since I have studied a little bit of biology and in fact enjoyed my time at Biology Lab, I was able to comprehend several notes in coursehero.com and realized they are valuable and of top quality.
Though I could not answer some of the questions of the biology teachers about Biology Lecture for college final students, I did manage somehow the students’ questions but actually ended up talking about mathematics more passionately than biology.
I strongly feel coursehero.com should be exposed to more colleges as it is a very useful online educational resource.