Thursday, February 01, 2007

All in One Shop for computers.

The LuvComputer's "All in One" Stop Shop is a great place for finding all of your home or small business computer needs. We provide great products and services for Canada and the US. You can access the blog from the main page.

Davin Ogden, known to some as "The Davinator", own and operate "LuvComputers" PC Repair and Factory Direct Sales in the beautiful city of Kimberley, British Columbia, Canada.

Whether it be PC repair services, computers, laptop computers, computer accessories, pc repair information, pc articles, you name it and he has it.

May be people living in and around him can patronize him. I do this whenever a flier pops out of my daily newspaper. I will have a person to person talk and if I find some sincerity, I will engage his services and also spread the word around.

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