Monday, July 19, 2010

Which foods cause acid reflux?

The other day, I received this stunning declaration: “You have acid reflux”. Seeing my blank face, the doctor told me with a bit of smoothness in his voice as if to cool my nerves that acid reflux is a condition wherein acids from the stomach find their way back to esophagus due to malfunctioning of the lower esophageal sphincter.

I reported these discomforts to the doctor:

* burning sensation in the chest

* Difficulty in swallowing food

* Inability to belch

If these are symptoms of acid reflux, then I should have been living with it for long!

The doctor gave me some tablets and told me to avoid certain foods that include:

* Coffee

* Citrus fruits

* Tomato

* fried snacks

* Onion

* Alcohol

I can avoid all of them but not onions. How can one survive without onion?

Nevertheless, my doctor advised change of diet immediately to deal with acid reflux. He told me that my initial feeling of deprivation would pass with time.

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