Friday, July 09, 2010

What is Americans foremost concern?

The other day, I received a link in my email for a free e-book on relationship. Its focus was how to get back your ex-love.

The topic never interested me. However, I read patiently because I had to give my feedback to the author of the e-book. While reading some of the statistics in America, I was shocked to see that Americans' second most concern is this, "How to win back the lost spouse". Their first concern is to how to lose weight in 24 hours.

It was amusing to read the essential tips given in the book on how to stay connected forever with your spouse. I think every Indian unconsciously practices these. They are embedded in our culture.

Almost every book on relationship improvement sells like hot cake (BTW, why not hot bread?) in the Internet.

May be, I should also write a book on dating, wedding and loyalty! I could use the money.

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