Monday, August 17, 2009

What is an Affordable Life Insurance?

I believe it is possible to get affordable term life insurance quotes so but surely one must know their affordability first-right?

Long before, when I got my first appointment, I got carried away with the new found financial freedom. Without consulting even my husband, I committed myself to a term life insurance which soon proved to be too costly for me.

I thought I knew my need and insured to a large amount that I wished for my family in the event of your death. And at the same time, I didn’t plan to die that sooner.

I simply forgot the monthly premium affordability. When I suddenly lost the job, I stared at a bleak future.

Well, the situation is different now. There is affordable term life insurance available at very low premiums and in fact, one can get insurance quotes from several service providers and we can compare and settle on the lowest premium offer.

These days, families have less dependents and one really need not opt for high insurance.

It is ironical that when our affordability is increased, we spend less in insurance.

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