Thursday, February 14, 2013

Online printing artwork software.

With the advent of extremely user friendly web to print software, the quality of commercial printing has enhanced considerably. The proof is on what we receive as product catalogues, services brochures, one page sale flyers etc while we attend events, seminars and local business exhibitions.

So much is information is packed in these printed materials and presented in a way that tends to remain in our memory for a long time. The other day, I was looking at the : web to print software from and found the entire customer friendly customization facilities both from the perspective of printers and business customers.

The two-way interactive customization facility is made possible with very well developed prepress software as it also called. I like this term ‘prepress software’ that is more apt than ‘web to print software’.

Even people like me who cringe at hearing the word ‘design’ can use their EonDesigner with ease and create online printing art work.

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