Monday, August 15, 2011

The elevated highways of Bangalore.

On an impulse, I took the car and drove to Bangalore for a property hunting. My husband accompanied me and of course the driver.(smile) We left early by 6.30 AM on 14th.

The drive to Electronic City, Bangalore took about four and a half hours but without knowing, we climbed on to the express elevated highway which took us away from our destination. Before we realized what was happening, the driver said there is no way to exit to turn back.

We had to spend an hour extra because of this traffic confusion. This elevated highway is big time saver in the highly traffic congested Bangalore which is known for discomforting oneways.

Electronic city has changed a lot since I last visited three years before. More sky scrapping residential complexes have come that come with world class amenities.

I have spotted one such residential tower to settle down.

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