Monday, August 09, 2010

Give only safe toys for your pet birds.

When my husband told me to dress up yesterday evening, I was reluctant to stir up my laziness. Sundays evenings make me feel dull.

I managed to get up, dressed carelessly and went out with my husband. He took me straight to his friend’s house where I was greeted by a few beautiful looking lovebirds fearlessly hopping around.

There were a few odd looking objects scattered on the floor. I was told that there were safe toys for the birds to play with. This is the first time I am hearing about bird toys!

“Taking care of a pet bird is like being nursing a child”-our friend told me proudly. You must do some research in the Internet and buy the safest toys for different kinds of birds.

When he told me that all birds need toys, I was not convinced. Birds are freedom lovers. Surely, they don’t find toys to play with when are on trees! It is only when they are arrested behind cruel gages, they are forced to peck on strange objects and we call them as toys!

The whole idea was disgusting to me.

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