I am very happy. India has won the test match against SriLanka in less than 4 days and that too, it is an innings win. What a victory.
The main contributor for this victory is our little boy Sreesanth and I am very glad for him. Like Dhoni said, I hope he doesn't get carried away with his sterling bowling performance.
Ah, the Wall Dravid-man, what a knock! He is truly a batsman of fantastic skill and temperament. Time and again, he has proved that he is the most consummate batsman that India has ever produced.
I wish India maintains their winning streak in the third test match too.
I love you Indian Cricket Team! Congrats!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
I love you Indian Cricket Team!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Do you like the Twitter search facility?
Do you like the Twitter search facility? I don't like even the appearance of search page results, not to mention the actual results which don't demand a second glance.
I am a Google addict but I never failed to appreciate any online tool that has delivered more than their promise.
Sometimes, Twitter has shocked me buy delivering zero search results.
I am not exaggerating mate; here is my observation.
I searched for kumara sangakkara without any quotes in Twitter and Google.
Twitter said 'nothing found' and Google returned 352,000 pages.
And I have Tweeted about kumara sangakkara. What do you say?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Customized shipping boxes.
I know even if I accepted her offer, my new house is rather small to dump a few things that I thought of giving away either freely or sell at cheap price.
I spent time over the things that are already packed neatly in the custom shipping boxes that I last bought from packnboxnow.com a few years back. Every odd shaped item sat snugly in the box that was made specifically for them.
Now I realize I should have ordered some more shipping boxes; after all I tend to move to a new house every two years!
Oh yes, I am such a nomad.
I saw a blog made with autoblogging software.
Yesterday, I met an interesting person in my office. This is not the first time I meeting an online contact but thus gentleman is found to be a net savvy person and he has a fairly good knowledge of internet marketing, blogging and wordpress.
We chatted for nearly two hours and shared our knowledge in area of blogging and blog promotion. I learnt a couple of new things from him like how a autoblogging plugin works and how you can monetize your blog with a clickbank plugin.
It was the first time, I saw a blog made with autoblogging software. (Technopati)I instantly liked what I saw-the template, the placement of Google AdSense etc. But I am not at all impressed with the content pulled in by the plugin.
If you have a blog made with autoblogging software, can you please share your experience about it?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The future of business order fulfillment.
But I always wondered how the outsourcing companies train their customer service personnel as and when a product or service they undertake from corporate enterprises.
Another very important service aspect that is widely appreciated is the way the fulfillment service providers get the feedback from the consumers whom they have serviced. Sometimes, I used to get a call from the call centers just five minutes after I have been attended to.
With both the product and service fulfillment services are being hired by almost every businessman, there is bound to be a stiff competition among the service providers leading to top quality client service.
Posted by
Rangan Badri
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Labels: Call centre, Customer service, fulfillment services
184 Google AdSense alternatives.
Yesterday, one of my blogging academy's trainee inquired if I know of any good PPC website, that is an alternative to Google AdSense since he could not participate anymore in Google AdSense.
I know of several companies that offer PPC revenue but none could match the potentiality of AdSense-right?
I did try out Bidvertiser once but quickly disassociated me from it. It was such a waste of effort.
I suggested to my friend, Linkworth, a company I respect from whom I get occasional links to place for money. But I have not tried their PPC ad network.
Here is a list of Google AdSense alternatives that I read in Hub Pages. I think this list contains not only PPC but also CPm and CPA based ad revenue programs; so you can't really call it as an alternative to adsense.
- Absolute Agency
- AcceleratorMedia
- ad pepper media
- adagency1 *
- AdBrite *
- Adconian
- AdDynamix
- ADEngage
- Adgenta QAds
- adgridwork
- Adicate
- Adify
- AdJungle
- Adknowledge *
- AdlandPro
- Adlink Media
- AdMentum
- AdMob
- AdOrigin
- Adperk
- Ads-Click
- ADSDAQ Ad Exchange
- adsmarket
- AdSmart
- adtechnica
- Adtegrity.com
- AdToll
- Advertising.com
- Advertlets
- AdVolcano *
- AffiliateFuel
- AffiliateFuture *
- Agendize
- AmaSensAds
- Amazon
- Ampira Media
- Anastasia International
- Auction Ads *
- AVN Ads *
- Axill
- AzoogleAds
- Bannerconnect
- BannerSpace
- BardzoMedia
- BClick
- Bidvertiser
- Bla.st
- Black Label Ads *
- BlinkAccess
- BlogAds
- BlogKits
- BlueFN *
- BlueLithium
- BurstMedia *
- BusinessLinked
- buyat
- Casale Media
- CBprosense
- Chitika *
- Claxon *
- Click2Sell
- ClickBank
- Clickbooth
- Clickhype
- Clicksor *
- clickXchange
- clixGalore
- CNet Shopper
- Commission Junction
- Commission Monster
- Copernic Media
- CoverClicks *
- CPX Interactive
- CrispAds *
- CyberBounty
- DarkBlue
- Dragon Media Online
- easyAd
- eBay AdContext
- eClickZ
- Enhance Interactive
- Enikos
- eType Europe
- eType USA
- exoClick
- ExpoActive
- Fair Ads Network
- Federated Media
- FindItQuick
- FineClicks
- FluxAds
- Gokita
- Gorilla Nation
- Her Agency
- HispanoClick
- Hyperbidder
- IncentaClick*
- IndustryBrains
- InterClick
- Integri
- Interevco
- JoeTec
- Komli
- Kanoodle
- Kontera
- Kowabunga!
- LinkBliss
- LinkLike
- LinkShareAds *
- LinkWorth
- MaxBounty
- MetaReward
- Microsoft adCenter
- Mirago *
- MIVA *
- MochiAds
- Money4Banners
- MoreNiche
- MVAV Media
- NeverblueAds
- Nixxie *
- Nuffnang
- OneMonkey
- Opt-Media
- Oridian *
- Oxado *
- PayDotCom
- PayPerPost
- PayPopUp
- PerformancingAds
- Pheedo
- Phorm
- PointRoll
- PopUpTraffic
- Premium Network
- PrimaryAds
- ProfitCenter
- Project Wonderful
- PubMatic
- Pulse 360
- Quigo AdSonar
- QuinStreet
- Real Media *
- RealCast Media
- RealTechNetwork
- Revenue Science
- Revenue.net
- RevenuePILOT *
- ReviewMe
- RevoClix
- Right Media Exchange
- Robert Sherman Company
- ROI Rocket
- Rydium *
- ScribeFire
- Searchfeed
- Shareasale
- Shopping.com
- SpeedyAds
- Sponsored Reviews
- Strategic Affiliates
- Targetpoint *
- Text Link Ads
- Textads Dot Biz
- TextWise
- TNX.Net
- Trade Doubler
- Traffic Marketplace
- Tremor Media
- Tribal Fusion *
- TTZMedia
- ValidClick *
- ValueAd
- ValueClick Media *
- Veoda
- Vibrant Media SmartAds *
- Vizu Polls
- WayPointCash
- Web Advertising
- WebSponsors
- WhenU
- WidgetBucks *
- Yahoo Publisher Network *
- YesAdvertising
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Better options for health insurance.
I have been saving for the rainy day but it is just not sufficient; at least it what seems to be now from what I gathered from the doctor who just finished examining the complete health report of my husband.
The doctor’s prescriptions and more suggestions proved that the low cost health insurance of my husband is not going to meet all the expenses. I realized it is too late now to think of upgrading my health insurance policy.
Considering my husband’s age and few other conditions, the insurance broker suggested more beneficial health insurance covers but we didn’t listen and now we have to pay for our mistakes.
Since I am not getting younger, I decided to follow the insurance broker’s advice and ask for a free quote from whataquote.com, a better health insurance provider. They offer better options.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Will insulin really control blood glucose?
My husband started on insulin injections three days before. I feel sad for him. He is still clumsily handling the insulin pen twice a day.
His diabetes was detected 10 years before. He has been on medications almost regularly and as per doctors' advice, he changed his tablets several times till now and even the dosage was increased recently.
But nothing seemed to reduce his blood glucose level. His diet that is devoid of sugar consisted of the usual diabetics food, bland and tasteless.
Just after he started on insulin injections, he started eating slightly better.
I pray for his well being.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Where to find information regarding latest mobiles?
The talk of the nation is the recent introduction of new tariff rates for mobile phone users. It seems all the leading mobile networks have started implementing the new call rate of 1 paisa per second.
I too received a call from my cell phone service provider offering the new call rates but I am yet to decide about switching over as the overall cost may end up slightly higher when compared to my existing plan.
With the new mobile call rates, there has been a spate of enticing offers from mobile phone manufacturers. To capitalize on these offers, one must visit consumermate.com to know the latest hot deals. Without comparing the offers from various mobile phone manufacturers, you may not grab the best deal.
Consumer mate deals with more than 20 leading mobile phone brands that include the industry leaders Nokia and Samsung. One can buy the best of mobiles after reading the latest mobile technology news and mobile buying guide published in consumermate.com
I too have raised some queries with consumermate’s “Ask Us’ section that is known to give highly informative answers.
There is new feature in consumermate.com that I have noticed. Consumers can post their feedbacks and complaints of about any product that they bought. This initiative taken by consumermate.com is a customer friendly move and needs to be appreciated.
Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention another useful feature which is not found in any of the websites that help consumers. Consumermate.com has published all the important customer care contact information of every mobile phone manufacturers. Even the dealers from whom we purchase consumer durables won’t furnish us all the customer care contact details.
Thank you consumermate.com
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Exotic coconut bay beach resort in the Caribbean.
I was shocked when my husband interrupted the conversation of small family in the hotel dining room. We did hear them talk about their wish to have their next Christmas holiday in the Caribbean but it no way concerned us.
After my husband turned back to me from them, I knew his rudeness was accepted rather kindly and with gratitude.
Sure, why not? After all, my husband just saved them several thousand rupees by giving the small family a brief introduction about st lucia resorts resorts and how they can book their luxury resort and save substantial money too.
This irresistible urge to help strangers, invariably earned my husband quite a few number of healthy relationships over the years.
Now it is my turn to gain some friendship. Do you want any assistance in planning your next holiday at a tropical paradise?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
How to earn money with PLR?
Who has got the guts to publish PLR content as such in their blogs in spite of hyped up assurances that Goggle will not ban you from their SERPs?
You might have read excerpts of interviews on the subject of duplicate content delivered by top IM veterans. You also would felt confident of publishing a free PLR article in your blog.
But when you are about to paste the PLR article, you would have found yourself withdraw from taking the real action.
It is most probably is your lack of knowledge of about the usability of PLR and the profits PLR content is supposed to bring.
Know the one major mistake novice marketers always make with PLR and how to avoid it!
Money with PLR
Friday, November 06, 2009
Bluray and Sachin Tendulkar.
I would regret the moment I said no to a new bluray dual layered DVD home theater system that my husband wanted to buy on my previous birthday. I still don’t know why I said no.
Yesterday, due to heavy rain, I missed watching Sachin Tendulkar’s onslaught of the Australian bowlers. The satellite TV fails whenever it rains. He scored a mammoth 175 runs that almost brought India to a highly improbable victory.
Had we bought the bluray DVD system, we could have programmed to record the entire innings to watch it today or on any other rainy day.
Yes, we can still buy the bluray DVD player but it is not every day that Sachin play such a fantastic innings!
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
What can a web hosting tutorial do for me?
See, even after I own 17 web sites, I am still not familiar with the control panel (cpanel) operation and of its various tools and tracking measures.
I do still manage to manipulate some of the cpanel features, I am not confident enough to know:
*How to use Webmail from within CPanel
*How to trace an email address in CPanel
*How to create a subdomain in CPanel
In my general web directory, there is a listing from http://www.whmtutorial.com/ which provides detail lessons for cpanel tutorial, web hosting tutorial and web hosting video tutorial.
Spread the word please.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Medical travel as an option to cut the medical expenses.
A Canadian Indian offered his immense gratitude to the Indian people before he left for
This person is one of the hundreds of people living abroad that come to
I foresee the major tour operators in
How to be funny?
I have been reading some of the old Tamil literature that were written with punch of humor and they are all funny and entertaining. I wish I have that skill. How nice it will be to have international readers for your writing full of humor!
Master wit Max Matterson has worked in the comedy world for the past 20 years. He's the co-author of "Comedy Writing Secrets" and trained many of the big late night show hosts.
He knows EXACTLY how to train ANYONE to become super-witty in just minutes. Matterson claims there are just a series of simple rules that ANYONE can follow to become hilariously funny!
Do YOU want to discover his COMEDY SECRETS?
Max shares EVERYTHING with you -- and GUARANTEES that your new-found funny skills will ROCKET your business and social life. In fact he'll buy back the course if you're not absolutely THRILLED!
How to be funny?