Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What is a Style Feeder?

Style Feeder is your personal shopping search engine and one can call it as social shopping website which means it is a way to find, share, and keep track any products that you like and get to know who else like your list.

For example, you want to find a mosquito repellent that emits no odour, you can either find a related on their home page or search for it. If there is already a tag for your wish list, then it means somebody had bought the product and thus created a tag.

You can also find all the products your favorite celebrity likes or any of your online contacts has tagged.

If you like something you have found on Style Feeder, you can click the ‘plus’ button from a list of items, or the “Copy to Style Feed” button on. You can also add product that you find anywhere by using the browser button.

Express your style on your blog, web site, or on any of your social page like Friendster or MySpace.

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Anonymous said...

Or you can try shopping in real-time with your buddies here!