Monday, March 22, 2010

Do women also use testosterone cream?

“Alcohol increases the desire but reduces the performance”. I read this long time ago in Reader’s Digest. I don’t know whether it is true or not. Men should be able to tell as they are frequently shown in the movies misbehaving with ladies after consumption of alcohol.

May be they are the ones that should use testosterone cream; what do you say?

But I wonder why this energy boosting cream is not as popular as similar products like oral androgen or that widely advertised V... pills?

I believe testosterone cream users might have reported negative side effects. Anything taken that is not natural to either enhance the desire or reduce the weight is bound to have harmful effects in the long run if not noticed immediately.

I foresee some film director reads this blog post and may consider using the testosterone cream in his next film. Hey, don’t you think this is a wonderful idea to do some in-film advertising and cover some cost of filming?

BTW, do women also use testosterone cream? Any feedback ladies?

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