Saturday, October 04, 2008

Tata listends to Ayn Rand.

Ratan TataImage via WikipediaRattan Tata has decided to pull out of his high profile Nano car project from West Bengal. His sole reason is the arrogant behaviour of a political party leader Mamta Banerjee.

She is the biggest thorn in West Bengal's people welfare and she has been reported as continuously disrupting the setting up of the nano car manufacturing plant which would given a great economic boost to the state of West Bengal and would have provided jobs to thousands.

The current Cheif Minister of West Bengal is said to have pleaded with the Ratan Tata but he didn't budge. After all one can only take so much.

His decision of taking his plant away reminds me of the book Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand where all the leading industrialists just retiring due to polotical reasons and thus throwing the economy of the American continent in utter turmoil.

I salute Tata and I wish other learders of industries in India should take precedence of Ratan Tata.

Industrialists of the world! You are the prime movers of the world! Stand up for your values!

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