Friday, March 09, 2007

Display links to blogs your readers will like!

One must give due credit where it matters. I hope you will thank for introducing this fantastic widget that can pave way for traffic increase.

This is about Autoroll Widget by Criteo.
I am reproducing here some data from the website. One glance at it and you are likely to sign up instantly.

What is AutoRoll?
AutoRoll is a blog widget that displays links to blogs that your readers should like. Based on each unique reader's affinity for each specific blog, the Criteo Recommendation Engine will compute on a real-time basis the relative affinity of all blogs, and it automatically displays the Top 10 unique links on each blog.

As a blog owner, what kind of benefits should I expect from AutoRoll?
First of all, you will provide your readers with a very entertaining blogroll, as it is based on other readers with similar reading habits.

Moreover, another huge benefit is that you will receive highly qualified incoming traffic to your blog. Indeed, as other similar blogs display your blog on their AutoRoll, they will bring you new readers with a strong affinity for your blog.

To read about what exactly the technology is behind this wonder tool, please visit the website.

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